Murphy Ends Men's Season on a High ES

American climber wins sprint for second in Ordiziako Klasika.

Rally Cycling's Kyle Murphy brought the men's season to a close in fine style on Monday, winning the sprint for second place in the Preuba Villafranca-Ordiziako Klasika.  

Held in the Basque Country in northern Spain, Murphy forged clear of the peloton ahead of the day's final ascent of the Alto de Abaltzisketa before descending to the finish and winning a three-up sprint to the line ahead of Winner Anacona (Team Arkéa Samsic). 

"It felt amazing to get back to racing in 2020 and to end on a high note," said Murphy. "Our staff has worked so hard to make all this possible so it was especially nice to get a result."

For the first half of the race, Rob Britton covered nearly every wheel that moved off the front. His efforts allowed Murphy and his teammates to conserve for the finale. 

"Rob was amazing," said Murphy. "It was almost comical how many moves he was in. We all got to relax while he went out and ripped it up."

Ryan Murphy Racing Prueba Villafranca-Ordiziako Klasika

Britton on the attack.

The team is coming off its first appearance in the Volta a Portugal. A brutal nine-day race that was filled with ups and downs.

"At the Volta, we really suffered when Nigel had his crash," added Murphy. That was a terrible day for the team, and I think we all doubted if we would continue. Nigel sent messages and updates to the team since then, which helped put us at ease and that definitely made a difference today.

Team director Patrick McCarty has been with the team in Europe since the season restarted back in August. Murphy's result was particularly meaningful for him. 

"It feels great," said McCarty. "It was a super hard day today. Low temps, hard rain, and a lot of climbing. Kyle's performance showed what the team is capable of over here, and to do it the last race of the 2020 season was significant." 

Kyle Murphy at Prueba Villafranca-Ordiziako Klasika Podium - Rally Cycling

The happiest elbow tap of Murphy's entire career.

As the team heads into the off-season, it can look forward to some key additions to the roster, namely Arvid de Kleijn and Magnus Sheffield

"I'm happy with how the roster is shaping up for next season and how our returning guys are looking for 2021," added McCarty. "Today was another step in the right direction."

1. CARR Simon NIPPO DELKO One Provence 3:52:42
2. Murphy Kyle Rally Cycling 0:36
3. ANACONA Winner Team Arkéa Samsic "
4. CEPEDA Jefferson Alveiro Caja Rural - Seguros RGA "
5. CUADRADO Unai Euskaltel - Euskadi 0:50
6. BOL Jetse Burgos - BH 1:20
7. LEDANOIS Kévin Team Arkéa Samsic "
8. DELAPLACE Anthony Team Arkéa Samsic "
9. LOUVEL Matis Team Arkéa Samsic 1:39
10. SILVA Rafael Efapel "



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